HomeSmooth Scrolling

Smooth Scrolling

The Smooth Scroll feature enhances the scrolling experience on a website by providing fluid and controlled motion effects, reducing abrupt jumps while navigating through content. It can be configured in both Global Style (Site Settings) and Page Settings.

Where Can Smooth Scroll Be Applied?

Smooth Scroll settings can be applied in:

  • Global Style (Site Settings) – Applies the smooth scrolling effect globally across the entire website.
  • Page Settings – Applies the smooth scrolling effect on specific pages only.

Enabling Smooth Scroll

Enabling Smooth Scroll in Global Style (Site Settings)

  1. Click on the Site Settings button in the Elementor editor.
  2. Navigate to Smooth Scroll under the Settings section.
  3. Toggle Enable Smooth Scroll to Yes to activate the feature.

Enabling Smooth Scroll in Page Settings

  1. Click on the Page Settings icon at the bottom left of the Elementor editor.
  2. Go to the Advanced tab.
  3. Locate the Smooth Scroll section and toggle Enable Smooth Scroll to Yes.

Smooth Scroll Settings

Scrolling Core

  • Frame Rate – Adjusts the smoothness of the scroll by setting the frame rate.
  • Animation Time – Controls how long the scrolling animation lasts.
  • Step Size – Determines the distance moved per scroll action.

Pulse Ratio of “Tail” to “Acceleration”

  • Pulse Algorithm – Enhances the natural feel of scrolling by dynamically adjusting speed.
  • Pulse Scale – Modifies the scaling effect of the scrolling acceleration.


  • Acceleration Delta – Adjusts the speed at which scrolling accelerates.
  • Acceleration Max – Limits the maximum acceleration during scrolling.


  • Enable Keyboard Scrolling – Allows scrolling with arrow keys.
  • Arrow Scroll Speed – Sets the sensitivity of keyboard-based scrolling.

Other Settings

  • Touchpad Support – Enables smooth scrolling for touchpad users.
  • Fixed Background – Ensures background elements remain fixed while scrolling.

By configuring Smooth Scroll in Global Style or Page Settings, you can improve website navigation and enhance user experience with seamless, fluid scrolling effects.